Coolfood – making climate action simple and delicious
Coolfood helps organizations reduce the climate impact of the food they serve by shifting towards more plant-rich foods. It is a credible and proven way to reduce your organization’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Work with Coolfood
As a business or organization that wants to put sustainable dining at the heart of their menus.
Choose a Coolfood Meal
As a customer who wants to make a difference by choosing Coolfood Meals.
Looking to reduce your food related greenhouse gas emissions?
Contact us today to find out how we can help.
Download Our Quick Start Guide for Food Service
Coolfood is here to make it easy for food service providers to turn research into action. Check out our quick start guide! It provides a topline overview of the six categories where you can make a change – we call these the 6Ps – as well as an example of 18 “no regret” strategies that are supported both by research and industry.
Coolfood impact
Trusted by over 80 global organizations, find out how these companies have worked with Coolfood to reduce their carbon emissions.
Make a difference
by eating plant-rich food
Food production is a significant contributor to climate change, accounting for a quarter of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Some foods generate more greenhouse gas emissions than others. Food that comes from animals make up two-thirds of all agricultural GHG emissions and use more than three-quarters of agricultural land. Plant-based foods generally have a much lower environmental impact.
Enjoying more plant-based foods is an important way to reduce pressure on the climate. Take beef versus beans for example. Producing beef uses 20 times the land and emits 20 times the greenhouse gases as producing beans, per gram of protein.