

Publication: The Food Service Playbook for Promoting Sustainable Food Choices

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Publication: Environmental Messages Promote Plant-Based Food Choices: An Online Restaurant Menu Study

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Explainer Deck: Environmental Messages Promote Plant-based Food Choices

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Publication: World Resources Report - Creating a Sustainable Food Future

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Publication: Tracking Progress Toward the Coolfood Pledge

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Publication: Coolfood Collective Greenhouse Gas Emissions Baseline and 2030 Reduction Target

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Publication: Identifying Coolfood Meals

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Article: Without Changing Diets, Agriculture Alone Could Produce Enough Emissions to Surpass 1.5°C of Global Warming

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Article: It’s All in a Name How to Boost the Sales of Plant-Based Menu Items

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Article: 23 Behavior Change Strategies to Get Diners Eating More Plant-Rich Food

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Tool: Coolfood Calculator

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MCURC & Coolfood: A Partnership Helping Higher Education Tackle Climate Change Through Food

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